2024 Events
December 8, 2024: 5:00-7:00pm: In-person Meeting; Jackie Hott Memorial Book Club & Potluck Dinner to discuss Emotional Inheritance: A Therapist, Her Patients, and the Legacy of Trauma, by Galit Atlas Email asppbookclub@gmail.com for more information or to RSVP
November 13, 2014: 7:15pm: in the Derner Student Lounge: ASPP "In-Between Classes Gathering" for Candidates in Classes and their professors
November 3, 2024: 3pm-6pm: In-Person event: Psychoanalytic Salon: The Rise of Oedipus Tech by Dustin Kahoud PsyD
October 20, 2024: 4pm- 5:30pm: via Zoom: Meet the Author: The Unconscious: A Contemporary Introduction with Dr. Joseph Newirth. Moderated by Dr. Dustin Kahoud. 1.5 CE credits
September 29, 2024: 12pm- 3pm: In-Person Event: 2024/2025 Academic Year: Welcome Brunch & Psychoanalytic Book Give Away
September 11, 2024: 7:15pm: in the Derner Student Lounge: ASPP "In-Between Classes Gathering" for Candidates in Classes and their professors
September 8, 2024: 5:00-7:00pm: In-person Meeting; Jackie Hott Memorial Book Club & Potluck Dinner to discuss The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride
July 21, 2024: 12pm- 3pm: In-Person Event: End of the Year Garden & Graduation Party
May 15, 2024: 8pm: In-Person Event: Last Day of Classes Dinner
March 27, 2024: 7:15pm: in the Derner Student Lounge: ASPP "In-Between Classes Gathering" for Candidates in Classes and their professors
January 28, 2024: 4pm-5:30pm: Meet the Author: From Breakdown to Breakthrough: Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychosis with Dr. Danielle Knafo and Dr. Michael Selzer. Moderated by Dr. Dustin Kahoud. 1.5 CEs
January 28, 2024/TO BE RESCHEDULED: In-person meeting with virtual option: Jackie Hott Memorial Book Club & Potluck Dinner to discuss Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan.
January 24, 2024: 7:20pm: in the Derner Student Lounge: ASPP "In-between classes gathering" for Candidates in Classes and their professors
January 7, 2024: 4pm-6pm: Virtual Film Event: Your Mum and Dad: A Devastating Truth. Reflective Discussion to follow with Dr. Michael Moskowitz and Dr. Kirkland Vaughans