Candidate Mentoring Program
Our Candidate Mentoring Program launched the Fall of 2020. This program connects an advanced candidate or a recent graduate with an incoming first year candidate. After an initial Meet and Greet, each mentor checks in with his or her mentee once a month to offer support and help the mentee navigate the multiple components of psychoanalytic training. Additionally, the Candidate Mentoring Program also serves as a means to keep Advanced Candidates and recent graduates connected to our community.
Currently we are offering this program to new candidates in both the One Year and Four Year Adult Postgraduate Training Programs as well as those in the License Qualifying Program in Psychoanalysis. We hope to expand candidate mentoring to all the Postgraduate programs in the future.
2024-2025 Academic Year
We are thrilled that the Candidate Mentoring Program is now in its fifth year! Many of our previous mentees are now acting in the role of mentor.
2023-2024 Academic Year
In our fourth year, we matched seven mentor-mentee pairs!
2022-2023 Academic Year
We are proud that the Candidate Mentoring Program is entering its third year. Again, we paired incoming candidates with seasoned candidates who are willing to help them navigate the many aspects of analytic training.
2021-2022 Academic Year
We continue our successful mentoring program for a second year. Many of last year's mentors are both continuing their relationship with last year's mentees as well as taking on a new first year mentee!
2020-2021 Academic Year
Our first year class is composed of nine candidates; four are entering the Adult Program, four are beginning the License Qualifying Program and one is a Postdoctoral Fellow. We welcome all and hope that our Mentors will help you become oriented to our programs and community.