Psychoanalytic Book Project
To help our candidates build their psychoanalytic libraries and to encourage the rest of our community to explore new topics, ASPP has begun collecting donated books related to theory and practice.
We kicked this initiative off at our 2024 Welcome Brunch and enjoyed watching our attendees browse through the books and comment on them to each other. Candidates and Faculty alike went home with armfuls of free books.
We have received donations of so many wonderful books that we will now be offering them at many of our in-person events.
ASPP's Psychoanalytic Book Project is ongoing.
We welcome book donations related to psychoanalytic theory and practice (and closely related topics).
Please email us at to discuss the drop off or pick up of donations. We are a perfect place to donate your beloved library if you happen to be downsizing or moving. We are willing to arrange for drop off or pick up, if it is within a reasonable distance. ​