Social Events
ASPP believes it is vital to offer social events for our community to connect and engage with each other. Our professional practice at times can leave us feeing isolated or lonely. Our social events have historically included:
A Welcome Brunch is held at the beginning of the fall semester. At this event, new candidates and faculty are welcomed into our family and meet other candidates, faculty and the entire Post-Graduate community.
A Last Day of Classes Dinner to celebrate a successfully completed academic year.
An End of the Year Graduation Event & Garden Party is held in May. At this time, we recognize and celebrate the candidates that have recently graduated from the various Post-Graduate programs and enjoy each other's company.
Now that many classes are again meeting in-person, we are reviving the long-ago tradition of a quick "In-Between Classes Break" in the student lounge at Derner. We hope that candidates will enjoy this opportunity to have a light dinner and get to know candidates from other cohorts.
"In-Between Classes Gathering" November 2024
We are very grateful to our new "In-Between Classes Dinner" Chairperson, Danielle Scheinberg, for volunteering to be in charge of this project! Candidates taking classes and their teaching faculty enjoyed a wonderful light dinner to ring in the second quarter and take some time in between their two Wednesday night courses to relax and socialize before heading back to their classrooms.

Welcome Brunch September 2024
We had a wonderful time welcoming new candidates and faculty! We also celebrated the "Changing of the Guard" as Megan Nolan became the ASPP Recent Past President, Elizabeth Sullivan became President, and Rakefet Gruberg became Treasurer. Thankfully, Danielle Eisenberg remains our very competent Secretary.
We offered a book table of donated books related to psychoanalytic theory and technique. Both candidates and other members of our community enjoyed looking through and discussing our offerings, and bringing books home to add to their personal libraries.

"In-Between Classes Gathering" September 2024
ASPP President, Megan Nolan, had a groovy time meeting the first year candidates and bringing them a light dinner on behalf of ASPP.

Graduation and Garden Party, July 2024
We had a delightful day in each others' company as we celebrated Colleen and Will graduating from their Fellowship Program. We are thrilled that they will both continue their analytic training. We also celebrated Michael Zentman, who is stepping down from his role as Couple Program Director. We were thrilled to have so many candidates from the Group Training Program join us and hope they will continue to stay connected to our community!
Thank you Alexis and Dustin for opening up your home to all of us.

Last Day of Classes Dinner 2024
This year's Last Day of Classes Dinner was held on May 15, 2024. By popular demand, we returned to Uncle Baccala's Restaurant in Garden City Park. Candidates, faculty and program directors enjoyed an amazing meal and celebration of the completion of another successful academic year.

"In-Between Classes Gathering" January 2024
Candidates and Faculty braved a cold January evening for... Psychoanalytic Theory and Pizza! A good time was, as always, had by all.

"In-Between Classes Gathering" November 2023
We thank candidate Anne K. for planning a wonderful light meal for her fellow candidates and teaching faculty to kick off the second quarter of courses.

2023 Welcome Brunch
We celebrated the beginning of academic year 2023-2024 with a traditional ASPP Welcome Brunch on October 14th at the home of Elizabeth Sullivan and her husband, Chris. Although it was a cool and rainy day, we had a full house of candidates, faculty and supervisors. We hope that we made our new community members feel at home!

First Day of Classes, "In-Between Classes Gathering" September 2023
Candidates and teaching faculty enjoyed sandwiches and seltzer in between their two classes on September 20, 2023. ASPP secretary, Danielle Eisenberg, introduced the first year candidates to the workings of ASPP and gave each a welcome gift.

Graduation Garden Party 2023
On June 17th, 2023, ASPP held its annual Graduation and Garden Party in Garden City. Members of our community, both old and new, mingled, enjoyed delicious food and celebrated this year's graduates from each training program. ASPP President, Megan Nolan, was also honored for her many contributions to our analytic community!

Last Day of Classes Dinner 2023
This year's Last Day of Classes Dinner was held on May 17, 2023, close to campus at Uncle Baccala's Restaurant in Garden City Park. Candidates, faculty and program directors shared a wonderful meal and enjoyed each other's company. We also celebrated Dr. Ryan Lubbock's graduation from the Fellowship Program.

Garden Party 2021
On June 6, 2021, ASPP hosted an end of the year Garden Party at the home of ASPP Treasurer, Elizabeth Sullivan. We decided that since so many in our community had been vaccinated, it was safe to meet primarily outdoors for passed appetizers and drinks. We had a great turnout of candidates, faculty and ASPP members, some of whom had only met via Zoom. We honored Rob Farrell for his time as clinic director and celebrated our Fellowship Program Graduate. Congratulations, Fran D!

Holiday Party 2020
On February 29, 2020, we held a Leap Year Party in lieu of a holiday celebration. Our Postgraduate programs’ director, Dr. Amira Simha-Alpern and her husband opened up their beautiful home to our community. We serenaded our new ASPP officers, and then played “human bingo”.
We didn’t yet know it, on that lovely evening, but this was to be our last in person celebration for quite some time. Within weeks, we were all quarantining as the pandemic struck. We hope it won’t be long before our community can physically come together again!

Fall 2019 Welcome Brunch

We held our Fall 2019 Welcome Brunch at the home of faculty members, Drs. Estelle Rapoport and Steve Hyman.
The weather was lovely as we introduced new candidates and faculty to our program and said goodbye to Yvette Jones, who for many years provided a holding environment for us all as our wonderful administrative assistant.
2019 Last Day of Classes Dinner
On May 15, 2019, all candidates who were in classes and the faculty members who taught the last sections went out for a delicious dinner immediately after class. A good time was had by all!

June 2019 Graduation Dinner
On June 1, 2019, we celebrated our Adult Program graduates and a successful academic year at Adelphi’s Angello Alumni House. Our new director, Amira Simha-Alpern shared a humorous slide show summarizing the year’s events which we all enjoyed.
Congratulations to the newest psychoanalysts in our community, Heather and Dustin!

June 2018 Graduation Party
At the end of the academic year, Dr. Joyce Bloom opened up her home to the community to celebrate the graduates of both the One Year and Four Year Adult Programs. We also said goodbye to Dr. Mary Beth Cresci, who was retiring from her position as Director of the Postgraduate Programs. We wish Dr. Cresci health and happiness as she begins a new chapter. We also say "Congratulations" to Chris, Eugene, Roberta, George, Elizabeth and Andrea!

Fall 2016 Welcome Brunch
On September 11, 2016, ASPP hosted an orientation brunch at the home of Gail Grace. Many ASPP members gave speeches to honor Jack Herskovits PsyD who was leaving Adelphi after almost 10 years as clinic director. Incoming clinic director Robert Farrell PhD, ABPP was also in attendance. Candidates had an opportunity to mingle with faculty, ask questions and hear about upcoming events.