Current and upcoming events for this year are listed below.
Scroll down the page for detailed flyers which will be posted as they become available.
All are Welcome!!!!
We are the Analytic Society associated with the Postgraduate Training Programs which are housed within the Derner School of Psychology at Adelphi University. We hope our members (and anyone else who lands on this page) will consider attending not only ASPP events, but also
Postgraduate Programs events and seminars, which you may find listed HERE.
2025 Events
January 1- 31: 2025 ASPP Membership Drive: Click here to join ASPP in 2025
January: Peer Supervision groups begin. Email asppPeerSup@gmail.com if you would like to join a group.
January 29: 7:15pm: in the Derner Student Lounge: ASPP "In-Between Classes Gathering" for Candidates in Classes and their professors
March 1: ASPP Fundraising Talent Show to benefit The Postgraduate Programs' Candidate Scholarship Fund
March 1: Membership Practice Directory released
March 26: 7:15pm: in the Derner Student Lounge: ASPP "In-Between Classes Gathering" for Candidates in Classes and their professors
March 30: 4pm-5:30pm: via Zoom: Meet the Author: The Psychology of Black Boys and Adolescents with Kirkland Vaughans, PhD. 1.5 CE credits
May 4: In-Person Event: Spring Salon: "The Analyst's Courage and Vulnerability in the Countertransference" by Melinda Blitzer, PhD
May 14: Last Day of Classes Dinner
May 8: Graduation/Garden Party​​